Our Society is governed by a set of rules, supplemented by policies, procedures and agreements that the Executive Committee has put in place in the best interests of the Society and its’ membership.
These can all be found in the gallery below.
You can find large print versions of these documents here and audio versions here. If you require any of these in alternative formats please contact us to discuss your needs.
COS Rules, Policies, Procedures and Agreements
Child Protection Policy (updated April 2021)
Complaints Policy & Procedures (updated October 2020)
Large Print Health & Safety Policy (April 2021)
Inclusion, Equality & Diversity Policy (created July 2020)
Social Media Policy & Agreement (updated June 2020)
Social Media Administrators Agreement (June 2020)
Privacy Policy (updated July 2020)
COS & CO2 Audition Process (updated August 2020)
COS & CO2 Welcome Book (updated November 2020)
Executive Committee Conduct Agreement (updated June 2020)
Guidance on using personal ICT equipment and handling emails for committee members (updated April 2020)