Audition Application Form Fields marked with a * are mandatory. COS Audition Application Please be advised that a show fee will be applicable. Your Name* Your Email (required) Your Telephone contact number (required) I wish to audition for the following 2 parts: Part 1: Part 2: I amam not willing to accept another part. I amam not willing to be a member of the chorus. My voice range is SopranoaltoTenorBaritoneBass I amam not involved in any other production which could affect my rehearsal attendance. Please list any rehearsal dates you will not be able to attend, due to holiday etc: Please note Rule 30 ‘Selection of Cast’ - “Each cast member will be subject to a probationary period after selection and may be replaced if, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, he or she does not measure up to their allotted role.” Please also note Rule 31 concerning obligations of the cast. ‘Failure to attend three rehearsals without providing an explanation deemed satisfactory by the Executive Committee shall necessitate the forfeit of the assigned part by the offending Member.’ It is understood that all successful auditionees will take part in every performance during the run of the show, including technical and dress rehearsals, and assist in clearance of the theatre on the last night. Run of show - Jekyll & Hyde: 16th - 28th Jan 2017 (including Dress and Technical rehearsals) PLEASE NOTE THERE WILL BE A SHOW FEE OF £60 FOR THIS PRODUCTION. Forms must be submitted by Thursday 7th July Δ