Who’s who on our committees
Our Executive Committee members are official Trustees for the Society. We also have CO2 and Marketing & Events sub-committees. To contact any member of our committees you can use our website contact form or you can email individuals on their listed contacts below.
Have you got what it takes? Executive Committee Job Descriptions
Executive Officers (Trustees)
Katie Cutmore – Chair
Since 2004 COS has been my second family. I have gone from performing to helping on the social committee, Executive committee & Marketing committee to directing concerts and most recently becoming Chair of the Society. In fact, I am honoured to be the first female Chair of the Society. I have learnt so many skills being part of COS and its committees and I love being able to contribute to this diverse community of people united through their passion for musical theatre.
Caroline Fritz – Business manager
TBC – Treasurer
Natasha Gadenne – Secretary
I joined COS in 2023 after being a very impressed audience member for Shrek and Hunchback of Notre Dame. I have a huge passion for singing, performing and all things theatrical, so I was really excited to become an official COS member last year. I’ve been a part of the Marketing and Events sub-committee since 2023, and also supported backstage with costumes for My Fair Lady – both of which have been really fun and enjoyable experiences! I’m excited to take on the role of Secretary, and looking forward to working with this incredibly passionate committee and all the COS members.
Executive Committee (Trustees)
Charlotte Butcher – CO2 Chair
I joined COS in 2009, when I moved to Colchester, as a way of meeting people who had similar interests. I performed in several shows with COS but got involved with CO2 in 2010 as they needed someone to help with costumes for Oklahoma! I joined the CO2 committee in 2010 and became the Chair of CO2 in 2023. I am very proud of the quality of productions that CO2 produce. Since joining the Society, I have performed in many shows and concerts, managed the wardrobe for CO2, supported with sound for COS/CO2 but most recently can be found as Deputy Stage Manager.
Jessica Bailey – Marketing & Events Chair
Andrew Hodgson – Vice Chair
I have been active on the local theatre scene for over 40 years as a director, performer and adjudicator. I have been a supporter of COS since childhood and a member since 2016. Since then I has played Lord Glossop in Jekyll and Hyde, Drake in Annie and Mr. Brownlow in Oliver.
I am pleased to be a new member of the COS executive committee to help support and promote the society’s productions moving forward.
I am pleased to be a new member of the COS executive committee to help support and promote the society’s productions moving forward.
Laura Hicks – Assistant Secretary
I joined the society and took part in my first CO2 show in 2011. Since then I have been involved with CO2/COS performing onstage and assisting different directors in many different productions. Outside of this I am a subject leader of drama & dance at a local secondary school. Leading, teaching, directing, choreographing on a daily basis. I am currently working with our treasurer in preparing applications for various opportunities for the society and embarking on supporting with writing risk assessments as the need arises. I love being on the executive committee, it is so rewarding to be part of the team that decides on the exciting options for amateur musical theatre for our members and the wider community.
Valentine Cavanagh-White – Inclusion, Equality & Diversity Lead
I joined COS in 2000 to continue my love of musical theatre after a professional stage career, and to make new friends, as am not originally from Colchester. I have been involved in practically all the productions since and have loved every one. In my other life I have run my dance school in Colchester for over 30 years and inclusivity has always been a priority for me as I think everyone should be able to share the magic of performing.
Wayne Setford – Funding Co-ordinator
I have been involved in many COS shows, in recent years mainly playing the bad guy! I have also had the pleasure of presenting Bill Sykes In Oliver, Frollo in the Hunchback of Notre and Lord Farquaad in Shrek, Henry Higgins In My Fair lady plus a range of non musical acting parts locally. Whilst I came late to acting – starting at the age of 36 – I am delighted to have found comfort in this creative community at that relatively late age. By the time we get to the theatre there’s a genuine sense of a shared goals and a community that deeply supports each other . It’s a very special time and I wanted to support that by joining the committee.
Claudia Haswell – Committee Member
My name is Claudia and I am the Inclusion, Equality and Diversity Lead for COS, and I am also a member of the marketing committee. I have been a member of the Society since 2017 and I have done numerous fun-filled shows with the society since then. My favourite probably being ‘Jekyll & Hyde’, which was my first ever show! I love and treasure being a part of this big theatre family where I have met some of my closest friends too.
CO2 Committee
Charlotte Butcher – Chair/Safeguarding lead
I joined COS in 2009, when I moved to Colchester, as a way of meeting people who had similar interests. I performed in several shows with COS but got involved with CO2 in 2010 as they needed someone to help with costumes for Oklahoma! I joined the CO2 committee in 2010 and became the Chair of CO2 in 2023. I am very proud of the quality of productions that CO2 produce. Since joining the Society, I have performed in many shows and concerts, managed the wardrobe for CO2, supported with sound for COS/CO2 but most recently can be found as Deputy Stage Manager.
Clair Cutting – Vice Chair
I have always had a love for musical theatre having performed with CO2 previously in Grease and Little Shop of Horrors. Having been involved in other shows within the theatre including dance and choreography, for many years, I felt it would be exciting to become involved in the ‘running side’ of CO2 by becoming part of the committee. I look forward to my first year being Vice Chair and hope this is the beginning of many years to come
Max Woodward – Secretary
I joined COS in 2021 to be involved backstage, taking on the role of Properties Manager in the production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame for my first show with the society, and have helped backstage on COS and CO2 shows ever since. I was previously on the Executive Committee for 2 years, including 18 months as COS Secretary, and am thrilled to now be Secretary for CO2.
TBC – Treasurer
Caroline Fritz – Business manager
Kirsty Bryant – Props Manager
I first joined the Society in 2014, where I was a part of the props department for CO2’s production of Grease. This was a brand new experience for me, but I was looked after with plenty of help and guidance offered throughout the process. Working backstage was so educational and enjoyable that, for this group, I’ve moved from wanting to be on stage to a dedicated member of the backstage crew. Since then I’ve helped out with shows both for CO2 and COS over the years, even attending a few rehearsals whilst available from Uni. I’m relatively new to the committee with our chairperson, Ann Taylor, approaching me to help represent the props department on the committee. This has also allowed me to register as a Chaperone. I’m very honoured to be a part of the committee as I continue to learn about life behind the scenes of a production, which I know will help me in both my future on and off stage.
Stephanie Wyatt – Committee Member
Nicholas McKeown – Cast Rep
Scarlett Brothers – Cast Rep
Marketing and Events Committee
Jessica Bailey – Chair, Treasurer & Merchandise
Katie Cutmore- Website and Social Media
Since 2004 COS has been my second family. I have gone from performing to helping on the social committee, Executive committee & Marketing committee to directing concerts and most recently becoming Chair of the Society. In fact, I am honoured to be the first female Chair of the Society. I have learnt so many skills being part of COS and its committees and I love being able to contribute to this diverse community of people united through their passion for musical theatre.
Charlotte Butcher- CO2 committee liaison
I joined COS in 2009, when I moved to Colchester, as a way of meeting people who had similar interests. I performed in several shows with COS but got involved with CO2 in 2010 as they needed someone to help with costumes for Oklahoma! I joined the CO2 committee in 2010 and became the Chair of CO2 in 2023. I am very proud of the quality of productions that CO2 produce. Since joining the Society, I have performed in many shows and concerts, managed the wardrobe for CO2, supported with sound for COS/CO2 but most recently can be found as Deputy Stage Manager.
Michael Cutmore – Website
I had previously dabbled in amateur theatre and my first show with COS was Annie in 2019; where I was backstage dog handler for “Sandy”. I also played a small part in the show as “Henry Morganthau”. As a lifetime drummer I also played drums in the band for “Dare to Be Different” at the Headgate Theatre in 2020. Later in 2020 I volunteered to look after the website for COS and in 2021 joined the Marketing Committee.
Natasha Gadenne – Member
I joined COS in 2023 after being a very impressed audience member for Shrek and Hunchback of Notre Dame. I have a huge passion for singing, performing and all things theatrical, so I was really excited to become an official COS member last year. I’ve been a part of the Marketing and Events sub-committee since 2023, and also supported backstage with costumes for My Fair Lady – both of which have been really fun and enjoyable experiences! I’m excited to take on the role of Secretary, and looking forward to working with this incredibly passionate committee and all the COS members.
Emma Theedom – Member
I joined COS in 2019 to perform in Oliver! and I have since then performed in multiple productions including playing ‘Donkey’ in Shrek. I have an undying passion for theatre and since joining COS, I can honestly say I am happier for it. I was asked to join the Marketing and Events Committee in 2024. I have skills in photography, film and graphic design..
Koralia Salacuri – Member